merlinwizar1 發表於 22-9-2009 20:19:49

DOTA gei 29 29 gei ip

During the game.5p was close to 1p but not in range to hit 1p.
But the 1p can hit 5p and is strong enough to kill him
I told the 1p to and the 1p ignore me and say *rubbish,ag*
and he quit.(he was lower level than I am)
Later i rejoined the game and joined the opposite team.
It was a selectatble civilisation game i told either 5/7p to select archer civilsation
1p doesn't understand english and say I'm annoying and t me.
^ definitely a noob!

paulpaul28355 發表於 1-10-2009 12:05:06


NokiatANG 發表於 18-10-2009 20:44:21

During the game.5p was close to 1p but not in range to hit 1p.
進行遊戲時,5p接近 1p 但不是在的攻擊射程內。
But the 1p can hit 5p and is strong enough to kill him
I told the 1p to and the 1p ignore me and say *rubbish,ag* <<文法有錯?
我跟1p說但1p不理會卻說 " rubbish,ag "
and he quit.(he was lower level than I am)
然後就離開了。 (他是比我低級的)
Later i rejoined the game and joined the opposite team.
過了一會我重新進入其他遊戲, 我進了8p的隊伍。
It was a selectatble civilisation game i told either 5/7p to select archer civilsation
這是自選文明的遊戲 我叫隊友選弓國文明。
1p doesn't understand english and say I'm annoying and t me.
1p 不懂英文, 說我很討厭,然後就t左我。
^ definitely a noob!

我也不明白= =

merlinwizar1 發表於 24-11-2009 19:33:53

Lol thanks for translation XD.
Definitely a noob解直頭是個醒目+白T+廢柴(這是網络用語喔!)
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