RTZS 發表於 6-2-2010 00:39:51

邊度睇? 唔覺佢地有咩evidence.......

aclet0821 發表於 6-2-2010 07:37:18

55, at that evidence section, it said none....
successful rate is a bit a low... but gl la...
u always bot on ur main mei?

jckachunrs 發表於 6-2-2010 08:07:44

this is his tanker ac lol

Clmak814 發表於 6-2-2010 12:14:34

f2p nothing to say la
i mean pure

RTZS 發表於 6-2-2010 15:31:21

我個tanker p2p ga
d 錢同 Quests point多過 Main
Bot 左wc......SAD

Lazy基" 發表於 7-2-2010 00:40:10

icy920801 發表於 7-2-2010 04:08:11

Agree. He botted, he deserves.

leechinting 發表於 7-2-2010 07:38:03

so sad
dun use bot la

sp_wong 發表於 7-2-2010 07:47:57

Bot []

lckj 發表於 7-2-2010 10:00:53

so sad
dun use bot la
leechinting 發表於 7-2-2010 07:38 http://www.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

Well, how did u 24/7 cut ivy and mages?
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