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"Chinglish" Congee or rice?

發表於 13-2-2010 22:14:01 | 顯示全部樓層
plz avoid R-O sentences
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發表於 14-2-2010 10:43:18 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 無.話可說 於 14-2-2010 10:44 編輯

It means Run-on sentences.

This word may be informal, however, it pinpointed our weakness.

It should be "This word may be informal. However, it pinpointed our weakness."
Since the sentence "This word may be informal." is finished, u should use a full stop instead of comma.

He is Louis, I am afraid that you don't know his name in English

Again, it should be "He is Louis. I am afraid that you don't know his name in English."

Also, there are some grammatical errors in ur passage.

Before my sharing, do you know what is "Chinglish"?

It should be "Before my sharing, do you know what "Chinglish" is?
u should note that "what "Chinglish" is" here is a wh-clause.

Finally, plz don't miss a relative pronoun.

Few days ago, I read a newspaper which reported an interview of LOUIS CHEUNG

When discussing some parents who forced their children to speak in English, Louis said that most of them have Chinglish

About Run-on Sentences: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/runons.htm
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